Monday, August 4, 2008

Types of acne chinese medicine types of acne and can i buy a laser for acne

Are you suffering from white heads or black heads? I was and am very proud to say it is all gone. Lets be honest with ourselves no one wants to look in the mirror and see white heads or black heads popping out of our faces. Come on it is really disgusting to look at. The fact is most people suffer from some for of acne as it is often a symptom of puberty which we all have to go through. But guess what we are in the 21th century so why should we settle down with acne when science and technology is so advance. We are currently in an era where almost all of the genes in humans have been identified and studied in depth.
Eat well. This makes you overall healthier and there are proven links between acne and bad foods (think greasy foods). Try swapping white bread for granary.
In stronger cases of adult acne, dermatologists may prescribe antibiotics or retinoids (Vitamin A derivatives) such as Accutane. However, these are strong medications that should never be taken unless under medical supervision, because they can seriously hamper certain bodily functions.
tags: 15 percent benzoyl peroxide acne wash, best treatment for adult hormonal acne, acne medication rateings

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