Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Acne and pregnancy

« ...At this point, you get to choose a type of treatment for your skin problem. Some people wish to use the older passed down home remedy approach, while others are looking for the very latest in skin care with its promises of a rapid fix....
...I have over the years truthfully tried everything to get rid of acne, although some of my problems were situational and seemingly impossible to fix. I have tried all manner of magic creams, tablets and voodoo remedies. In fact if it was suggested standing on my head for 3 days would cure acne, I would most probably have given it ago....»
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«...Eat a lot of carrots if you are serious about being acne free. Carrots help in acne in a few ways. To begin with, it provides a lot of essential vitamins, especially vitamin A to prevent future acne breakouts. It is also high in fiber, which means it helps in detoxifying your body. When toxin is one of the major factor of acne, there is enough reason for you to detoxify your body so that it gets healthier. For your information, accutane and some of the most effective severe acne treatment are derived from vitamin A but they cause a lot of serious side effects, and you can reap the benefits of vitamin A on acne without getting those nasty side effects by eating more carrots....»
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tags: green soap for acne, birth control pills to clear up acne, juicing to help acne

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